Flying dream machines can be like a walk on the clouds for every little boy or grown up boys.....To be a captain at 29, in a leading Indian airline with 20/20 vision and flying a fleet of planes ranging from Airbus 330-200, Boeing 777, Boeing 737-400/700/800/900 (whatever) is like a dream for most men. I know that every man would love to be a pilot for "other" reasons...but problem is she is not finding a suitable match.Yeah, my second cousin whom I met at a recent wedding is not finding a nice qualified guy. I was impressed when I met her this time-un-opinionated, with a pleasant disposition and a total daddy's pet despite all her achievements. I mean I don't think I would even listen to my dad (I didn't in real-life, because he was very chauvinistic) if I carried home a 3 lac/pm kinda salary and owned a luxury flat in Mumbai!
I wondered why she is not finding any guy(maybe her daddy dearest is not getting impressed), as they are looking out for only Indians! Perhaps Indian men find it hard to digest a woman with a high profile career... Forget careers and high profile women, most men can't sit in a car when a woman is in the driver's seat.
Bangaloreans are kind of cool with women driving cars everyday but on highways I have faced a lot of jeering and honking(when my husband wanted to relax)
I know that this could be the start of a debate, but I'm not getting into it. A man is more equipped physically but most(not all) women are on equal footing. I don't want women bloggers to criticize me about this but hey! I'm being fair and honest. I have developed male-like-abilities to do most stuff like driving, planning, reading maps, designing homes and a million other things. There are multi-taskers like me , but speaking of the average women, I don't agree that they are as good as the men are in general. I have seen at least 10 women for every one man who have caused traffic irritations in Bangalore. That explains it. The left-side of the brain is better developed in men than women. This results in men having more logic, mathematical abilities and reflexes. The women have their right side of the brain developed more which means that women have more emotions, are extremely creative, sensitive, can connect better(hence can rear children better than a man.)
A balanced individual is one who works on improving the other side of his/her brain. I worked many dog years to evolve better logic, but in the process lost some of my emotional, creative abilities. (I write less poems now, because I am less emotional now. I feel sorry for it.)