My friendships started very early in life before I knew they were friendships. I guess I can just call it mutual understanding. All my life I had my brother who was my friend when we moved to a new place as children or went abroad, etc. He filled in my friends' place, for me to speak whatever I wish and behave as silly or stupid and still be considered smart. Later my husband became my friend who was my source of inspiration and strength. Now, my girls are my live-in friends. I dote on them all the time and re-live what I missed out in life through them. People don't realize that I am a very strict mom, though.
Stage1- >5 :I have a special mention of a certain girl called Ameena(who looked as cute as me back then), with whom I went in a cycle-rickshaw to school. She was given 20 paise everyday(were my parents so poor that they couldn't give me that much pocket money? No, I was told not to eat un-hygenic food sold near schools.) Anyway, Ameena bought me something everyday with 10 paise. I enjoyed my >5 totally because of Ameena who bought me ice-lollys in dark pink color, shared cotton candy, mango jelly, sweet and sour berrys, cut mango pieces.wow...my mouth is watering.... I still love all these things, and my brother used to joke calling me "street-side girl"later on.
Stage2- 5 to 10 :By this time, I was blessed with the gift of the gab. Once my mother happened to go through my books and read comments which my teacher wrote. Some of the comments were "Gas Cylinder", "Chatter-box", "Gas-pot" Stuff like that. By this time I had a pair of twins for my best friends, Called S and R. They were those very serious and calm types and found me highly entertaining. Incidentally, there was this guy called H who used to always go through my books and sign in them. I complained about him to my music teacher and he said "you know H really likes you" I was mad at my sir also then, but now I understand....that guy was trying to connect to me.
Stage3- Teens :In high school I was very close to my school head girl, who was 5' 8" tall, with bond-girl kinda legs and had this HUGE following of boys. Naturally, I got popular as I was her side-kick. It is an advantageous position as I was in the news all the time, almost the center of the storm, very happening, learning a lot, but all from another's experiences. It later became a huge asset to me, as I soon became a wise one with a store-house of information about how to deal with Boys!!
Rest in the coming post.
this is interesting,write more about ur experiences with ur friends why stopping at teen.
awaiting yester years Part-2...
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