Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson, the ultimate creative artist
Love is in the air
There is a good way to start the day. Listen to some beautiful music. I was listening to some great lyrics, yeah, all yester-year music had great lyrics...I decided to spread this beautiful poetry around. This is one of my faves, by Kenny rogers. I never liked Kenny's white beard, that's why I didn't marry him (Hee,hee, even my husband sports a beard, but I told him otherwise, that I fell in love with him when he was with his beard, so he better not shave it off) I can be sucha pain...just kidding, actually he looks better with his beard that's why to keep up my-attraction-to-him-quotient high as ever, I asked him not to.
And you decorated my heart(Watch it here)
All my life was a paper
Once plain pure and white
Till you moved with your pen
Changing moods now and then
Till the balance was right
And then you added some music
Every note was in place
And anybody could see
All the changes in me
By the look on my face
And you decorated my life
Created a world
Where dreams are a part of my heart
And you decorated my life
By painting your love
All over my heart
You decorated my life
Like a rhyme with no reason
And an unfinished song
There was no harmony
Life meant nothing to me
Until you came along
And you brought out the colors
What a gentle surprise
Now I’m able to see
All the things life can be
Shining soft in your eyes many girls are floored, lemme count. I know that a smart guy will use these lyrics, like present this album to the girl whom he wants to floor...women are such emotional fools.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
General Knowledge
Come April, and all the schools are out campaigning about their "summer camps" for those pests called children. I also like to send my kids to summer camps where, they are kept busy with some dancing, singing,playing,painting whatever. I was not really expecting them to emerge into Picassis(feminine for Picassos) but simply let them have a good time. In fact I really don't want to strain them but learn something only when they are truly interested. I never went to a single summer camp in my childhood, (actually there weren't any except the ones organized by Bal Bhavan which was on the other end of the city) and spent time reading books and innovating new ways to spend time. Well, I'd really like to put down the questionnaire which was given to my 4+year old. You can read her answers inline.
General Knowledge Questionnaire
Q1.How many bones do we have in our body?
Q2.How many times does our heart beat in a minute?
A2.Four times.
Q3.How many continents are there in the world?
Q4.Who is the President of India?
Q5.How many states are there in India?
Q6.What is the capital of India?
Q7.Name the biggest animal in the world?
Q8.Which state do we stay in?
Q9.What is the capital of Karnataka?
Q10.Who is the father of the nation?
A10. Daddy.
(Mummy now gotto go and interview daddy)
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Que sera sera
I have been through such an eventful period these two months that encapsulating all of it would be a huge task which I do not want to take up. I maintain a blog not because I want to share every event of my life over a public platform, but to aesthetically put down some little sparklers in my life which I can check back every once in a while and smile.
One such thing happened the other day, after my younger daughter's fourth birthday, the same day Obama swore in as the President of the United States. I had a hectic morning after her B/day celebration and fell asleep. I felt something rustle near my ear and woke up to find my little one motionless and dumb-struck like a thief caught red-handed. I demanded to know what she was upto and she said"Don't scold me or beat me". I agreed to her negotiation. She then said" I put sand in your ear" On further inquiry she revealed that she had brought some sand in her dungarees' pocket from the sand-pit in her school. I really did not get angry and found the whole thing so amusing. I mean I am usually impressed when someone comes up with anything original (because I consider myself highly ingenious)
And my daughter just beat me.
I named her Anuhya when she was born. It means "the unpredictable" or "something which is beyond imagination" [ooha means imagination]
That was the last thing that I could ever expect. Imagine. Sand poured into the ear. What was she thinking???Beats me.